About Parents for Parents
Parents for Parents (P4P) provides peer mentoring for families in the dependency court system. P4P is an evidence-based model that provides early outreach and education that helps shift parental attitudes from anger and resentment to acknowledgment and acceptance and enhances parent’s engagement in their court-ordered plans. Mentoring is provided by Parent Allies.
Dependency 101
This 2-hour class is provided monthly in Thurston and Mason Counties. Led by Parent Allies, the class educates parents about the dependency system they must navigate in order to have their children returned. It provides tools and resources that empower parents to be successful and to understand and support the needs of their children.
Parent Forward Support Group
The Parent Forward Support Groups are led by Parent Allies and are a place in which parents have the opportunity to share their experiences, frustrations and concerns with one another in a safe environment. Support Groups are for adults only and no childcare is available.
We hold support group meetings in Lewis, Mason and Thurston Counties:
- Lewis County:
Support group meets on Thursdays from Noon – 1:00 PM.
Flyer - Mason County:
Support group meets on Wednesdays from Noon – 1:00 PM.
Flyer - Thurston County:
Support group meets on Monday from Noon – 1:00 PM.
Parent for Parent Program Flyer
Classes and support groups are currently offered Live via ZOOM webinar
Click here to view available trainings
For more information, please contact Natalya Kinder, Parent for Parent Director.