The Circle of Hope is FESS’ way to recognize those that have given their time, talents and treasures, both financially and/or in-kind, over the past 25 years. Our Circle of Hope honorees are helping FESS fulfill our mission to Inspire healthy child development through the provision of quality family support services.
The following VIP’s were celebrated as recipients of
FESS’ highest honors of recognition.
Resilience Advocates
Rozanne Garman
Bessie McCann
Tanya Murray
Bob Partlow
Jan & Timothy Suess
Madelin White
Champions for Children
Maureen Fitzgerald
& Jim Krupkee
Frank Hensley
Ann Jackson
Kyle Lentz
Bron & Tuula Lindgren
Tim Timmer
Drew Phillips
Jim & Susan Raymond
The Honorable
Christine Schaller
Mary Williams
Community Heroes
Help Us Move In Foundation
Jubilee Service Group
Circle of Hope
Carroll Bryan II & Laurie Sorenson
Darrell & Winona Furgison
Scott & Vicki Hanauer
Maggie & Glenn Hollinger
Bonnie Jacques
Mary & The Late James Webb
Peg & Rick Young Foundation