Jacob Tillett

About Jacob Tillett

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So far Jacob Tillett has created 142 blog entries.

Washington Fatherhood Council


During this event, we will explore the developmental, emotional, and relational journeys of babies/young children and their fathers during the early years. We will reflect on how men are prepared and supported in becoming and being fathers, and how these experiences impact father-child relationships. For more information: Washington Fatherhood Council

Washington Fatherhood Council2022-03-10T10:18:38-08:00

Consider the Children Classes


About Consider the Children (Considere a los Ninos) The divorce/separation of one’s parents is a major event in the life of a child. Consider the Children is a 4-hour parenting class focused on strategies to support children who live separately from one or both parents. Topics include: Grief and loss Stress indicators in children The long-term impact of parental conflict on children Communication skills for [...]

Consider the Children Classes2024-07-24T11:41:28-07:00

LGBTQ+ Parenting Support Group


Cultivating a supportive Community A place for LGBTQ+ people who seek to strengthen their parenting skills, to ask questions, share parenting experiences, celebrate family milestones, and provide parenting support First Wednesday of every month 6:00PM - 8:00PM Parenting Proud Support Group Sign up

LGBTQ+ Parenting Support Group2022-06-13T11:09:42-07:00
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